J'adore Adore Porn

The sweet surrender of my last breath is left on your pillow as the wind bends and shifts to see my point of view. Peter must die. I need to make a sacrifice. To become what I am a girl to die for. The past is the former. Atlast my forlorn bitter sweet lovely lover. I can be your mom, I can be your brother. But I'd rather be your lover. Take a bow the show is getting older. Light are low the curtains down. This masquerade is getting older. I take a bow.
To you It's never ending through you see myself you are my sister Pellagia. You know where the icon sits. I know you are my sister we do relay as sistership. Starship enterprise.
I know longer wonder why what for. I know who I adore and admire and love. Tony, Chris, and Sylvio. 

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