
Oh I see you over there trying to act the fool.
Perish the very thought of you cruel one.
I have never been a source of amusement.
I have only offered girlfriend experience.
I've been on dates and fucked around.
I've been manipulated and scorned by fire.
I have been a people pleaser but I'd rather be single. When I think of it who needs you.
I can get attention without your pathetic hook up with someone who is obsessed in living in my shadow and clout. Affix your self to a star and wonder what there all about. Then when your ready every so often harass me with me your heavenly presence. Out of the mouth of babes but I'd rather the a piss in there mouths.
Who on earth can deal with the quiz and inquisition? Who wants to be me is welcome to the ammunition. They don't hols a candle to me I promise you this. Cookie cutter mall girls with no waist and no hips and lips.
I'm not intimidated by any bitch.
I have more on reserve but I'm not sharing any of it.

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