I'm okay, I'm alright.

I'm not gonna ly down. When I wake up. I'm gonna put on my crimson pout. When I put on my makeup. I'm gonna say thank you to my maker for another day. I'm gonna gaily 
throw on my heels, and go for a walk today.
I'm not gonna ly down and accept your fits of rage. I'm gonna ignore your twisted abhorations of revenge. I can do better than you, I do I truly say. The experience doesn't define me. I'm okay, I'm not gonna hide.
Nothing defines thee. Except for the sun in the sky. And since you have returned to me, today. I decided, I will be alright. I will be okay.
Closing the door behind that distant memory.
No fool from the past can do anything for me.
Why do these foolish whims come to pass?
No fool from the past can do anything for me.

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