I'm just a girl in the world, and that is all that I want to be. In outerspace traveling and makeup sprees. And fabulousness and far from mediocrity is a husband waiting for me.
But I run away from the screaming children and alarm clock breast feedings. I run away from the dungeons that's are calling for me.
I won't drop a turd on you if you don't feed me bs. I won't sound absurd if you don't free my ties. All windswept and not in a perfectly tied bow. We're all messed up who needs these guys. When we can have a milkshake. But, I'd rather find my gent by surprise on my own; when Im alone, and when I think he treats me right I will know it's kismet.  Cosmic way station. To the other side. I'll earn the magic of romance only when it's right. 

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