I am a woman

I think I'm beginning to starting to feel, something of virtue and something new to hold onto. Far more than a pleasure seeking past-time. I really want to believe in my mind and heart and soul- I am a woman. An unconventional lady. I'm not a lady- boy some backwards maid and philestine. I'm not some kind of monster with my claws out to reep in what I sow. You best believe. I am a woman. 
I do believe in destiny. It can be such a difficult life to be underestimated at every turn. Believed to be weak. Or insincere.
Or unattractive to standards of beauty.
I am a woman. My finger nail is like the blade of my monster paw. I raise it in your direction.
Together we may fall in love. But for now I have had enough. I am.a woman. Not a transvestite mess of otherworldlyness. I am woman. I feel it way deep in my soul. I AM. I a lovely lady to hold.

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