give it to me

The dirty little bit is lovely to me mister.
I don't fear the disease. But really I don't have anything. I'd love you just the same. We can be one burning flame. There is no point to this. Why must you demand I contract this?
I don't live my life in fear. I have seen the other end of it. And trust me they are all deceased.
It's no longer a death sentence, and it's not something to cowar from. At this point in life.
There are so many lives that shine so bright.
And a little bit of hope would be seen in the light- The cure! Give us a remedy. It is that simple. We can no longer afford to wait as children are born with an impediment. And as the old begin to rot in their flesh and bones.
Who would think old is twenty three or four or five. Sometimes I sit and wonder all the reasons why. Give us the remedy!

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