East Meets West

On the brocade of Japan 
My cherry blossom hair pick comb
And my crimson lip
With rice powder
Tells of a myth in my other form
I can't tell the tale too quick
But I am snow tiger forlorn 
A female born askew
Not by the wasteside or manger
I'm not possessed or hypnotized by bitterness
And anger I find thrills in the jungle concrete
But thats just me...
I arise to sudden impact on pleasing others needs....
I will thrill you as well with my instrument
Or flute- I am geisha spirit animal snow tiger
And I entertain but no fools
I'm not fooled by much
I don't need to know everything.
I'm honest at early dusk
But I prefer no honesty from you
Just your passion and lust
And for you to devour me
Panther, Panthers
Come here to rescue me
From this spoiled milk
I don't want to waste anything
But I refuse to look at anything or anyone
I respect the earth and have walked for miles
My tongue and mouth are parched
I need some water for a while.
I am a geisha girl.
A snow tiger is my spirit animal.
And my primal instinct is to hibernate within the leaves.
And for the sake of it I will throw looks at the bee stung flowers at night and raise my chin towards the sky.

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