Dear Mother, may I dry your eye!?!

Dear Mother, I see you over there overwhelmed with every little problem.
I know you try your best to stay strong.
And you are proud of who are and where you come from! Now let me tell you this, and I wouldn't want to hurt you. I'm so tired of this.
And I know I don't deserve you. And you must forgive me please I'm a little bitch. And I'll
One day see you full of happiness. I don't know if divorce is the answer. Or distance between us kids is the jump off kick start to the dancer. The snowball is almost broken.
The wind up screw almost off. But nonetheless I love you. That's what I'm just thinking of. Dear Mother, May I dry your eye? 
I'm sorry that I'm not what you expected.
But I promise I will try. 

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