Dear chicken sqaux

All is in the wind that travels past my chin and jaw. And lips and my face... How much longer must you degrade me?
 I can accept out of the mouth of babes, but you school them to be unruly ,and devastate me. 
You try to act/ be nonchalant and superior.
Your ideas are lackluster I could think of dreamier. I won't settle for something unjust.
To be clear. I don't want you!.
You haven't been there to give me anything
But a pesky raspy tongue and fever. 
I don't want you. I'll never become a waitress.
Or get with the chef. Do you know what I'm saying to you. I have other plans. Too bad if you don't fit into them, dude. You got a problem. I moved on from the past dear Stephanie and Andy isn't it time that you do?
Dear chicken sqaux, I do like how you live but I don't want to see you! 

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