Bukkake Reality

I am not a Muslim girl or a Hindi Jew.
I am not much of a Christian or into 
Catholic stew. I had my communion
In my boyfriend's bedroom.
I slurped on it - it felt so damn good!
We even cooked on a spoon.
I know I'm not worthy of you.
I'd rather it be me than it be you.
I live in my bukkake reality.
Give me your cocks I want to please them, ooh! And in my boutique lingerie fantasy.
I think you are good for the tonsil,
And my throat just like a lozenge.
Funny how my mouth won't quit,
I am the freaky skinny lady,
In your bed.......
So come on round me, darling,
Come and justify my feelings for you.
Give in to me and surrender that dick to me, you! I know just what to do! Surrender that dick to me you Mr. Empathetic Mystery Goon.

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