PR thang

I once dreamt of an island far off in a land of sun and sea have gone to see a captain of commerce land and sea. The land was bearing fruit and delicious bubbly. The one who came to me was astonishing. Why do they call him a spic? Why this atrocity? They don't deserve anything like this! Where is the humanity? Cold vicious people with no love in their heart. No tender people you don't need to darken your heart. I long to be where the sun sets so high.  And the rhythms call to me.
I call the people of P. R.
The one who are kings and queens.
Higher than Her madgesty.
There is no love greater than this.
Can you hear me,
I'm dainty like this.
I'm a girl and you are a boy.
Don't give up on me.
You are not obvi.
You don't settle for loser who are not so clever to you. They are to be ridiculed.
But our people don't deserve it.
P. R. You are a beauty.
You people should know it.
Agape exists. Between you and I.
I only want you to survive. The storms they throw at your hide and the pressure as well as Puerto Rican fight to stay head above water is to be alive.

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