Ode to R-oc#!ck-o!!$!!!!

In the endless pool of waters, I fall,
Of aubergine and gold and azure blue.
I dive to meet the Isotopic iris of Isis.
To cradle our love in order to multiply.
"How do you do?" (I asked)
  "PLENTY!" (He responded)
"How many do you, pimp?" (I replied)
"When will it be okay for me to rise?" (I asked)
I will lessen my worth to beworthy of you....
I'd rather climb a hill...
I prefer the war, I'm living
I don't want to battle and quarrel with you.
Only in argumentative beatings of my puss.
In the mired cold frost of the wind of the land.
Shameless shelter we find ourselves, hungry and thirsty to live in sinful passion. 
Death to staring eyes.

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