
Come on, baby, you will meet the way; And everything that it has to be- the only challenge is you meet me half way and start to see. 
The only hypocrite, I, damn is jealousy, and a judge. The dumbest foolish fellow and I don't hold a grudge. You will half to get on your knees and beg for Mercy to have empathy.
Surreal movement like a ballet underwater.
Under the sea. Current foolish vixen. Can I be rescued to ends of my destiny? This is the end of the show. I take a bow to everyone before me. I don't really lose my temper. But this is working my nerve; temporarily free. I must fight for freedom. No chip, no bubble yum, Big Mac spree. No Hollywood embrace of scrawny skinny me. The want me to look like a poser to the only one obvious me. Can you handle rejection. I have eyes on the back of my head. I am not your Jesus that little fag is not me. I maybe a Christian. I follow my own constitutional bill of rights and laws.
I am not what you think of me. I am a woman begging for you to see I want to live as totally whole and complete. A woman with a vagina.
A breast for you play with and a tongue for my pussy. I may have flirted with every president since Reagan to the current and future presidencies.residencies. I only sold one handbag while I kissed Obama and navy seals caught up to Osama permanently. I'm not a hero. Just a vixen longing to gag on sperm and wear it as as a dress. Undress me again and splash me. Give in you'll see and celebrate. Rejoice in joy for I am the mother.
Not a virgin. A whore a slut and temporarily minded and bound to my seat but you can lift me in air and split me in half. You can splash me. Think of me a mysterious being. I don't obey any law. I am superior but incomplete.
A mermaid with a clit that I must cut off of little old me.

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