I feel serene fire in your breath that lingers on my neck as you caress the small of my back and cup your hand on me. I want to feel your skin. I want to feel this bliss for eternity.
And I have a sinful behavior. Oh, the street corner calls for me. Ah, my foot in heels are so dainty pretty like fierce things. I want you to devour me and paint me with your sperm.
I need white creamy liquid to drank. Punch drunk love on berry essence. I need to feel you throb inside of me. Drop your load inside me deep and cover me with pearls. I want to covered in translucent sweat and I believe you are the Divinity. Why don't you believe in yourself. I MUST CONFESS AND REPENT I BETRAYED YOU. I PUT YOUR FORMER ON A PEDESTAL. AND NOW I WANT TO PUT YOU THERE AND FILL MY MOUTH AND SOLVE MY DROUGHT. FOR I AM THE DESERT YOU ARE THE WATER I NEED TO SURVIVE LET ME HAVE YOUR SON SO I CAN TRULY THRIVE.

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