Say, say, say...

I do have discretion. I do have a better way.
Some of you know that I'm a tease and flirt.
Some of you know I was a prostitute and escort. I do have discretion. I do have a better way. I'd rather not name names. I'd rather stop playing games. Like Russian roulette with my life. I'd rather stop wasting my time. I don't need a companion. I don't need a man. I'd rather be alone for you to know. You keep on insisting I'm lonely, or need a distraction. I don't need your social disease. I'm grown..I'd rather no one know me. I prefer to alone. So go away you man and dont bother me again.
I won't wait for the rain to fall to love again.
I can't say I'm a virgin that made it through the wilderness. I can't claim I'm a serpent or holy.
Or Jehovah's witness. I'm not a Muslim or Jew. Or Buddhist or into the sciences as much as you. I'm simply Christian looking to connect to my higher power. I don't expect anything from you. I do have discretion. I do have a better way. The universe will progress and regress in its own way. I don't need to create chaos to have something to say.
Say, say, say. I have my own way.

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