
Tonight, I'll throw myself at you....
I'll ignite the spark if you want to unite
Our bodies into one body....
One figure....
It figures we might be as one.
One time.... 
And an old school try...
Be a good sport.....
Give me a chance to justify my love for you.
Although I don't think I need to....
You may be playing games with mind 
Or your bitches with their jealousy.
You may be wasting my time....
With all your needs and beliefs....
I don't underestimate you!
You are so cool.
But you don't need anything from me....
So please try to just let me be free.
And single to choose and carve out my identity and destiny...
No... I don't need anything...
The more you pressure me....
The more you will have to lose.
This is just me right now...
Usually is my way or thought on the matter....
I can't help the way I feel.
I need to be.
I need to be.
I need to be.

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