
Everyday is a certainty of His existence,
And His brilliance... We are all His creation, as well. We do need a break from the cruelty of mankind. We need a solution. A resolution.
The freedom fighter rebels have fought for so 
damn long. The mother with the child with disabilities is so strong. The mental health of the father has come into question. He simply suffers from depression. That is the truth.
A universal problem for so far more than few.
We do need a break from the cruelty of mankind. And enjoy our time on the planet.
So. Let's just have it. A round of applause for all of you. Who have come so far. And are truly good with themselves and others. The paychecks are not enough for the bills. On the table is leftovers. The person of color reached for the sky. The LGBTQI has their sights on reaching for the endless sky. The little girl at home...Is playing dress up on her own. So is the little boy on TV. But she just relates to him. It's simply all it be. We need a break from the cruelty. In this life it is getting harder for the old white guy. White America makes me sick. White America and their lies that they teach. We need a break from the cruelty.

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