'Muse' A working theory!

       Along the shore; they collected ideas and/or food for thought. Or meals for the hungry. They photographed, and they painted; and fed the penniless and starving. They ate as well. These are the artists I know: The ones; who study life, or nature, or experience. And do something with it. To fly their little experiment like a kite. And to watch it soar. There are those times when someone or something yanks the kite back down. But it can still fly.

         And achieving the sought after balance of maintaining, and catering to those on the ground and the kite in the sky is essential.
What is also essential is a muse. Something that gives us the will. I have found mine. Everything in nature. My nature. Other's nature. Nature is God.  But nature can be the devil as well. 

To respect nature as God, or the devil; we must look at it and hear it. And know it's motivation. The affirmations of what is truth.
Like water is pure, if filtered, and can be nourishment. Or used for baptismal purposes.
To cleanse yourself. It goes in food. Things live in water. And things feed off water to grow. That is God right there. Now, if you were to have someone pollute the water. Or poison you that is the work of the devil. It's this nature, we study as well..... The sun is warm enough to bliss you, but hot enough to scald you. It's that duality and dual nature we study.

For science does not lack God. God has His hand in science. There are those religious zealots that can not accept science. They are like impaired people with whom you cannot reason or argue. And ultimately even scientists have a muse. It's just an artist's responsibility to decide if they want to kill their muse, or not. Or the conception from it's inception.  For we, too, get bored with labels.
And identifying markers and ultimately Ling for change. A change in ourselves. For ourselves. And for what we are recognized.

That is why I chose my muse; wisely.
God- Love- Nature is immortal.
And ever a plentiful, and bountiful muse;
as any.

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