
You don't know anything till you've heard and seen Madonna. You just might want to take note. Of all the things she does and works harder than anyone else. All the the things she knows. But first you must open your heart. You must try. You must got to find a way to celebrate. And go deep inside of yourself. And let go of the former.
And you must venerate the image you see before you. Because it is the sound- The cosmic sound and the image and the display of fun that has us dumbstruck for many years. I don't try to analyze her. We are all just wannabes. Especially Lady Gaga. You can like Elton John or George Michael, Michael Jackson and Bulwinkle, Bubbles or Eminem.
Once you see'll be like to hell with them. How fortunate for you....
You find a lady that loves you that you can adore. That believes in romance and pleasure.
Fun and games.. Creamy, smooth, pop Goddess- with no shame- Always!

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