I've heard it all before

I've heard it all before....
I must have been overestimating you...
A real man can take it, baby....
Bend over and touch his toes.....
Walk a mile in my shoes.....
I was underestimating you.....
Who knew you were bending over for fools...
I like the currency... the coins in your piggy....
I like the green money, too ... 
And the umbrella....
And cushion for my rump.... don't take a dump... All over me, fool.....
Spend your money on me....
Shower me with trinkets....
Spend your money on me...
If you don't pay.... don't need your kisses....
You're not half the man you think you are.
I pity you, fool.... 
What will you do when the money is gone?
What will you do when my ass is gone?

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