I light a candle in the dark.....

I light a candle in the dark...
And cast a spell to spark...
The wrestling arms to cover arms....
And other parts....
The bustling autumn leaves that cover hearts.
The fuming mouths that cuss so loud....
And sputter droughts; while saliva covers,....
Their mouths.... Spelling Bee Champion-
I'm not.... Forget me not.... I forget a lot....
I light a candle in the dark.....
The fortress has crumbled to broken pieces....
The hunter has gathered for his family....
The only mum to know the wiley children's 
behavior is the only one to know their frailty.
I light a candle in the dark.....
And cast a spell to spark....
A love profusion across the planet...
So that I can have it, and you as well...
A declaration for eternity.....
I light a candle in the dark.

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