
There was a time you would write a hand written letter with ink and a quill. Or use the land line to reach out and connect. The switch board operator's hands were full. Or swallow a jagged little pill to help pep up your step. And oogle and oggle the celebs riches and fame.
Where time would stand still. And yesterday has become today. Where we do the same thing under different methods, but how many
plain Janes are too be killed by mass- murderers, and perverts who stand at their will of discontent. Do they contemplate yesterday and all of sudden forget their humanity? Are they lost on God? Or are they surprised by humanity? They need to look towards the steep long hill climb and fall of the mountain top. They need to be forgiven for they do not know what they brought us.
A world of monkey see and monkey do.
Or whatever of what they see and hear on the news. And trust me no one is a monkey, but their brains are like mush and they don't repent to Jesus, too. I have seen many things in my short forty three years. I don't know will become of this world. I feel for the youth.
It is my biggest of fears. That they don't have someone who will tell them everything will be okay. I guess we should take a long look in the mirror before we start to say," Everything will be okay." Just like they did yesterday.

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