Spit it

How are them tricks...
Dem treats... dem sick...
I like big sticks...
Dicks..... to free my hips...
And lips.... and light candle sticks....
For dinner- melt them wicks, 
And ambient mood lighting,
For romantics whims....
To be appropriate...
To lick....
To stick to my guns...
You can't handle it....
I need me some love....
Spread my hips....
And bend me over....
I need your cum gun.
Won't be soon 
You'll never be done...
I want it...
You can't handle it...
But you like how I work it!
Fruit of the looms....
Fruit of the loins....
Like a lion on steroids....
But don't come too soon...
It's not approved...
Mr big dick.....
You can't handle it....
But I can so, give me it!
You need to give in...
I make you spit...
I'll work all of your inches....
And you'll like how I work it....
Can you be my man tonight?
Can you get inside?
Can you turn me out?
Get on top and let learn what's you all about!
Ferocious feverish rough and tumble, 
Bobbed a curtsy- fetish- whips, and chains, 
Are my kind of thang......
So take your paddle and hit- hit- hit....
I'll get on the saddle and ride it
And please you, Master,
Till you spit!
Spit it....
Spit it....
Make me slip....
Ooooh I feel it!

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