No tune

Now and then I get a little angry... I suppose 
I've been a little hasty, too... The doors open
Of my broken heart... And it requires a song...
One I can sing along to.... The unfortunate news... There is no tune!
Happiness and sorrow....
I'm seeking melody.....
My belly aches...
My soul is through....
I'm seeking a remedy....
For I have no tune!
Lil cartoons and anime
Magazines and pretty pictures
Books I've read and things I know
Can't console my heartbreak blues....
For my heart has no tune!
It has no rhythm 
It has no beat
I've been waiting for someone to come to me.
But no one comes to help.
And the unfortunate news is my heart 
Has no tune.... It has no beat.
Please don't judge me....
I don't judge a thing!

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