Love me for me

The ground under my feet is crumbling, and I take the earth in my arms. Giver me shelter, 
From the noise and the silence, and bright lights of the city; so far. I have been a fool for you. You have been loved. And I've been telling you, boo. Coincidence that I see my neighbors on the street. Their smiles and their voices are creepy to me, too. It's unsettling. Ground give way at my feet. Let me enter the earth and swallow me whole. I want to run and hide. This is all that I know. The dirt covers my body and I cannot face the shame.
Don't tell anybody. I'm not the Marquis de Sade. I'm not a Jackson. I'm not Chester or Freddy. I'm just me. I'm not Lucifer or the demon. I'm not Wiccan or evil. Superstitious 
at all. I'm not going to tell you how to love somebody, but this treatment isn't fair to no one at all. I'm not ready to fall in love.
I'm not ready to fall. I have my own aspirations. And my own dreams.
Why can't it be you love me for me? 

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