I'm stuck up!

I've got diamond rings...
And my shit don't stink....
And I can sing almost anything....
I'm stuck up on me....
I've got bigger things...
And yachts and fleets...
I can be almost everything...
I'm stuck on me....
When you pray it is almost to me....
When you say you'd do anything....
When you cry you're all alone...
That isn't me....
But I'll help you on the telephone....
I'm stuck up on me...
When you pray it is almost to me!
You can fix your nose if you say so...
You can wear all the makeup MAC can make..
But if you don't look inside you and decide.... who are you obliged to make your accolades.. Towards- You will only be less than me.....
I'm stuck on me-
When you pray it is almost to me!
I'm everything in the world baby
I'm stuck up on me 

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