
It has come to my attention; that, I am an embarrassment for you. It wasn't my intention to provoke this feeling from you. But you see that I'll succeed in my expression of self.....
In order to change the world- you must create noise and chaos in itself for few seconds and few hours. Maybe few days and few years. Instead of shocking; yet, you'll wipe away
your tears. Cries of terror and woes of the new generation generate a kind word or two... 
But that isn't anything new... I stand between the rocky scale of the boulder, and lake to no avail. In which I stand for every man who wants to see their life story and change the world for themselves. Have a little bit of glory.
And change the world for you, too... If this is too much for you to handle. Maybe I'm reflecting you. And you are rejecting yourself.
But what can I be saying to you.... you will always be you, my friend. Don't let the difficulty keep you from me. Or keep you from being free. It's not supposed to be easy. Better for you to be uncomfortable, baby. In your shoes.

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