Virility and Radiance

Virile grace and loss of faith....
I feel like I am abused...
Mistreated and used...
I need his guidance 
To work out my own tiny salvations
We tuck ourselves inside this state of Beauty.
I believe the Theotokos 
Is the Champion of Eternity; 
At the point one may say:
 "Emergency", or "Time".
Or "Beliefs" and "Dogma"
Would it be a crime?
To steal you are hungry and in need of sustenance and nutrition more so than wine.
But if Christ would shine a sunbeam on my
Despair, she could safely glide me with her radiance back into His Kingdom.
And again I need my wine....
I need his blood...
I need my communion...
I need to take part of the sacraments.
In virility's and radiance's revolution.

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