Instead of me

The sun comes out everyday to say that you can be anything. Don't worry bout your fears, my friend. For I know, it won't be long till you achieve your destiny. I have been watching you from the corner of my eye. You have the greatest potential to eclipse what I write. Or even sing. Remember we all have a song with in us. Let your story unfold for me to behold.
I may be crabby and not give your due but just remember- I'm right there with you, my friend.
Till the very end. Like the water for the thirsty.
I live in tragic fantasy world, but it's alright for me. I wouldn't want to see you end up like me.
But who can tell what's right for somebody when everyone's curious to try. But then again they already know what it's like- it's their hypocrisy that keeps me pushing along and the hopes that one day I'll see someone do it instead of me. 

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