To belittling purpose

To belittling purpose I spent many days,
Ranging in the park, the Exchange, and the plays, For nearer in my rambles till now did I prove. So lucky to meet the man I could love.
And for this love I drained and so used.
Oh, how I am pleased to make this acquaintance with you. But for this man belittled my love. My passion shall kill me before I show it. I'm burning with fever. And yet; I would give all the world and he did know it. But oh!  How I sigh when I think he should woo me. I cannot  deny what I know would undo me.

That I must find love that should be enough,
But I have this sickness that gets me tongue tied and tangled up in a tapestry or web of lust and deceit. But I would get down on one knee and propose. I am not good enough for him.
And thus are my woes. I'm the worst. And I've been belittled. The world mustn't know it. He'll put on my blast. Before he'd return the favor.
Or reciprocate my love or ever show it.

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