Pretty Stupid

I stopped caring what others were doing.
And started to develop self defense mechanisms to guard myself. But every now and then I drop my defenses. And let someone in, and that's where the trouble begins. I'm pretty stupid. Not that pretty and not smart at at all. Just stupid and that's pretty stupid to say, or word that way. But what can I say- I'm pretty stupid. I'm sure I wouldn't know anything. I'm so blind I can't tell, when others want to disregard me. Throw me in the trash and abandon me. I'm sorry I'm not smart. I'm just stupid, pretty stupid. Pretty pretty stupid and if I were lucid and lovely.
I'd go see Magaret Cho. I know she so funny.
But things may fly over my head. Like why did the gay guy cross the street? Because he has things his knees got to do. NEEDS!?! DESIRES??? oh Knees? I got it. See I'm pretty stupid. That's all you need to know for know.
I don't know why the chicken clicked. Or what it is over there right now. Which came first the chicken or the egg. I'd rather talk about make up instead. I'm stupid. Pretty stupid.

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