
I prayed, that; I would be good...if I lost my hair and my youth. I saved the day on my calender. I am just good as you. Today is a new day. And utter abandon has come over me. I say the random of act of kindness has saved me. It reaffirms my faith in humanity.
Tonight is a clandestine night. I can see the light over my head. My mouth opens big, and I bug out my eyes. And the angel let out a sigh.
The only way is to pray for freedom and equality. Homophobia isn't a quality to hold.
It isn't a thing you ever talk about. You just celebrate and pat yourself on the back. You just get what you're told. You just play big man. And hurt dem fags... because you're the boss as you own the firm. And hard you're  not. You have a little one and that's your problem. You need to stop. You just see you in my face. You have a problem with my take on masculinity or my "supposed" effeminacy.
Why is that you want to wrestle with me? 
Is that you have something to give to me?

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