Like a Tear

Like light in matter, like gold,
Is precious amber; I'm told.
For Im poor and know not 
Where to go to find this gold.
I've searched for many years...
So imagine for how many years,
I've been told of this precious amber gold
From the pinnacle of heaven,
The King, came dressed in;
Sorrow and mourning
To the depthy watery grave of his mother
And the aristocracy day and night wept.
The wretched painted to the nines
For this could be an opportunity of their lives
All mortals lamented with them 
The vanity of soaring dreams
For the queen of hearts 
Gave birth to a king that is a queen
The kings son's orphaned by a gorgeous mam
And it seems the widower and son's
Care about appearances 
The only one who is daring is the youngest
And his love for a "Melanin Dream "
Whose cheeks blush and the couple  Lamented the royal queen 
Like a tear (brushed away)
Rolling off a cheek
An era is dead 
Oh gold, when will you find me?

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