
This is the trouble with wearing your heart on your sleeve!! Why won't you let me be? I can see it differently, and choose to hide all emotions. I could be kind or rude depending  on the occasion. And instead of celebration;  
I could self indulge to my elation, and be a mindless drone. Something controlled by a joystick, but; wait, I am still controlled by joysticks. I could be on my own on deserted island for weeks and have no one talking to me. Forgive me, I'm forward and I'm not shy.
I make no excuses. I go after who I like.
I'm calm and reserved and highly affectionate.
I'm productive and creativ, e engaging and charming. Handsome and I do weep... when your greyish green water eyes look blue. I cry and my heart sinks. And he probably hasn't risen from bed yet. But we can sleep in too..... After you fuck me, and he can cum too. Love me boy, I c a n be your baby. I'd make your joystick feel so good. The both of you. Or more. That's right- I am a whore! 

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