
Why are you obsessed with me?
Can't you see?
I'm crazy!?!
My violent fantasy!????
Why am I possessed by you?
You are new to this few power brokered dues.
Why can't you just let me be?
My violet, violent fantasy!???????
Blood shed and tear drops,
Open the door to my heart,
Semen and sailors swim the sea,
As children get killed under the apple tree...
Teachers get raped by the parents of kids.
It happens to be a violent fantasy.
Should we sink to floor...
Should shout out in devastation.
Should bow out in society.
For someone violent fantasy.
Thugs and dons and liberation....
Dancing nuns and priests molest the kids!
No celebration. This is not my fantasy.
What the world become inspite of me?
These are not healthy fantasies!
So, why are you doing this to me?

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