
Once long ago was a girl. She was shy but on the other hand outgoing. If this makes sense to you continue to read the following. The girl was also sweet and evenly tempered. And enjoyed eating and learning how to play instruments. She loved music. Then; one day during her recital, she got nervous. She stiffened up and forgot what notes to play.
She was ushered to the front of the stage. She closed her eyes and grabbed the microphone, and began to sing. The girl played her instrument beautifully and learned of another talent: singing and dancing.
A good time was had by all. She is no longer shy only momentarily infront of strangers.
I'm watching her right now perform the star spangled banner. And what a delight she is.
She swooped and soared and sang her heart out. I guess that's the effect music has on all of us. It can take the most shy and turn them extroverted. And the most shy watching, or listening into the most out going dancing, and writhing on the floor. I guess I should learn a new instrument. To change my energy. To see what I can do. Finito.

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