Eons ago

Eons ago, there were very weak and meter men. They controlled everything including their wives. One stayed home and worked. 
As the male, almost vacationed and socialized everyday. Till the female woke up.
She then worked out of the home and in as well. And so a great promise towards a brighter future. Much like the abolition  of slavery. That is what is going on now in drag, and queer culture. The cabaret shows and nightclubs and lounges faced cruelty and hatred for years. When that was our only safe haven.
It doesnt matter what you look like cuz you can craft yourself to anything with makeup and wipe it away. And if your lucky you get a prize if you look cute once you wiped it all off.
A kiss or more from a smoldering hot muscular male. And that is pride story this month. Don't let religious zealots tell you to not enjoy a drag show or wear a lil concealer  and lipgloss. We all put our heels on foot st a time and so do they trust me. They have more gowns than I do. One day drag queens, Trans women and men, gay girls and boys will be free. We can marry but who knows how long that will be a law. Ever since Stonewall- we have been an oddity to be harassed. Because we are queer. And as peculiar as we are. Peculiar is now the norm. The new normal. Trust bitches till then stay strong. And be joyful and peaceful. Anyways, faggots you aren't a bunch of sticks. So party hard this month and the 4th.

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