
Driven by madness and caffeine, I would talk to myself endlessly. I would listen carefully to the voices. One minute, they were complimenting me and the other degrading and insulting me. And there is no reason for this phenomenon. Nothing wrong with my brain. It's not a neurological problem. Although; I do have white spots on my brain. There is no reason to continue to hear voices. 
And I look at all my choices. And through meditation and prayer. I have overcome my symptoms. I do also visit a doctor and take medicine. And through creativity, although some may seem like sermons and diatribes.
Or confessional or immature or pedantic.
I have surmised that they are all little prayers and pieces of me. And the art that has influenced me. Or the art that I want to challenge. And many people become upset to just be upset because they are afraid. To take ownership of something of themselves. And I don't condemn or judge them. Matter of fact.
I enjoy flirting, teasing, taunting...them.
Some may argue these are the rantings of an old dinosaur queen. An elderly soul that has lost his mind and youth. Bitter and betrayed by society and his own brain. Insane and insanity has run amok and rampant. But I argue. I'm kind and sweet. I don't believe in judgement or ridicule. I'm affectionate. I believe in love. I'm inspired by other couples. And people. And I don't go out of my way to hurt any one. And there are no reasons for the spot on my brain. Just another phenomenon.
Or coincidence. I've been living well. Traveling and spending time with loved ones. I have a trip coming up that I'm excited for, and a few more after that. Life is looking good. But I explore you to see reason. Upon reading or digesting my posts. Just try to see the common thread of humanity. And yes I do have a wild side. I don't apologize for it anymore. I'm an adult! I do adult things.
If you don't want to see don't watch or read or look the other way. Okay ciao for now.

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