A Serene Heart

The day has come to lift my painted veil; that I have put over my lips. And take off my mask.
And bask in the silver moon or orange sun.
Taken away from the red-green branch that I used to stand on. And apart from the desert I used to seek harbor within. Like the desert, my facets and feelings are that of a landscape. A summer, spring and winter, and fall. I have created a few masterpieces, but a lot of nonsense as well. I can barely waste my time to contemplate an escape. Or taste my sour tongue after sour cherry. Visino, to be exact. And olive oil, lemon, oregano, and orange and white wine to make my meals.
I don't make any deals with the lucifers on Wallstreet. I don't drive so no wheels to transport myself from Point A to Point B and C. But nonetheless I still like me. And you have a problem with me because I'm warm and cuddly and soft. You have a problem with me because I'm gay and not manly enough.
You have a problem with me because I'm striking and not enfant jolie. You have a problem that I'm an optimist, and I live in harmony. And flow like the wind and have many a speed. I have a serene heart.
And you can tell from the beat. And although I love and hate it- it is what makes me- me!

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