Walk with me

In solitude's embrace, I find my soul's abode,
With God alone, in union's sacred code.
Through veils of darkness, I seek the divine light,
In mystic silence, where truth takes flight.

(Walk with me oh, Mary!)
(Walk with me oh, Lord!)
(Walk with me oh, Heavenly Father!)
(Walk with me some more)*

Oh, Holy Virgin, guide me on this blessed quest,
To depths profound, where essence manifests.
Through apophatic paths, we journey to explore,
The boundless depths of God, forevermore.

(Walk with me oh, Mary!)
(Walk with me oh, Lord!)
(Walk with me oh, Heavenly Father!)
(Walk with me some more)*

In contemplation's stillness, my heart finds repose,
Embracing divine darkness, where wisdom flows.
Beyond all words and concepts, I seek to behold,
The hidden mysteries, the secrets untold.

(Walk with me oh, Mary!)
(Walk with me oh, Lord!)
(Walk with me oh, Heavenly Father!)
(Walk with me some more)

Through negation's dance, I let go of all I know,
Surrendering to the mystery that begins to grow.
In unity's embrace, I merge with the Divine,
Transcending boundaries, in Love's radiant shrine.
(Walk with me oh, Mary!)
(Walk with me oh, Lord!)
(Walk with me oh, Heavenly Father!)
(Walk with me some more)*

Oh, solitude profound, embrace where ego's And chains dissolve,
In God's eternal presence, my soul finds resolve.
In the silence of being, I am never alone,
For God resides within, as I am the truest home.
(Walk with me oh, Mary!)
(Walk with me oh, Lord!)
(Walk with me oh, Heavenly Father!)
(Walk with me some more)*

So let me dwell in stillness, where God's voice resounds,
In solitude's sanctuary, where grace abounds.
With Saint Maria as my guide and friend,
I'll walk this path of union, until the journey's end.

[A collaboration  between two strangers who whether love of God Jesus The Holy Spirit or The virgin mother or specific Saint will motivate them to sing this hymn.]

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