The Starlit Path: A tale of redemption on stacks

The night sky was filled with stars.
And as we looked above. The brightest star was in our midst. And probably walking with us during the humid evening. We were walking to a cab to take us from Club Cheetah to Limelight. And suddenly there not any of these two places. We were instead outside of The Boom Boom Room. Even better, and still New York City. We danced the night away; and many cocktails later, we found these cute boys. Men really. And before I knew it I was in Club Mother on Jackie-Sixty night and leaving an orgy. I had walked to to Life and G- bar, and down to the theater district to Greenwich to St. Mark's Street. And one of these cute guys name was Mark. He was the patron Saint of big clock's and I did choke on his. 
He fucked me so hard afterwards I felt a throb.
And completely wanted to do it again. As He was in the shower my friends were having  their escapades with the other hot bois.
I had the cutest one and a Saint. Now all is for him to be canonized by the pope. I guess I could were a dress and a hat and perform the ceremony. Ha! May get impregnated by him and raise a family. But alas Mark is no more.
And New York City is nor the same gone old dirty NYC of Guillianni's days. And before.
The blow jobs on the streets in the middle of traffic. The guys pulling over to get your number and all that. Since 9-11 is more a family friendly unified New York. I remember seeing Kurt Loder and that sleeze what's hid name... Matthew Rettenmund. And Gideon and Brian and John. DAVID and Tony, Felix Nikka, Fahad, Ayka, Sapphie and Wilder and Brett. The art community made up of most of nyc. Now its more of the mentally ill. You just mind your business. And hopefully you don't find yourself in trouble.
The city of revolutions and no sleep has turned quite boring. The evening sky tonight is shining bright with stars like diamonds. And 
I suppose NYC.... still has its charm. But I do miss Hell Fire and Florent and things as such.
I guess NYC  grew up. And maybe I should do the same. 

I'm on the Starlit path with all my friends.
Mark died of A.I.D.S. Another hot Boi died of cancer. And things are not the same.
I guess this is what depression feels like.
Or anxiety to overcome the crushing blows.
We were all together again and few far apart.
It it on this star filled evening we encountered 
some gorgeous guys that we somehow knew.
But not well ofcourse. I didn't pay much mind nor was I a slut. I thanked them for their graciousness and that's all. We exchanged some kind words.

I went about my business. I scheduled an appointment at their boutique for anti aging purposes. And wrote a review and shared my my results. I profusely thanked them. But no response. Perhaps they were frightened by me. I mean my money was good. So  whatever. So, there. Maybe there was a misunderstanding somewhere. A paraksehesi
As we say in my other language and culture.
But who knows whatever to them. It's nor like I patronized their business expecting anything in return. But now people are over dramatic.

I've always had a problem accepting my age because. As an eccentric I refuse to go out to pasture or the glue factory or graze on grass.
So, I have always invested on myself. I always also try to make it look natch- fab. But I would rather age with dignity and grace. I'm the Starlit path. And I'll find my way back home to a freer me. And society unconsumed by all this. The shocker is these handsome young men didn't even respond to my thank you.

But before my visit to their boutique a few conversations with them did reaffirm my faith in humanity. That there were beautiful souls out there. Just a shame no follow up.
But that's life........and thank God I didn't shame myself or my reputation.

I'm an extremely busy person. I'm a people pleaser and I make time for everyone.
Perhaps they are too busy themselves.
Anyway, I hope I redeemed in my Valentino
Garavani rock stud stacks. I'm on the star lit path.

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