Society 6 &Pixels &Fineartamerica

Society 6 - RockVanity
Pixels- Panagiotis G. Koskinas
Fine art america- Panagiotis G. Koskinas
Search for me on Google ,Mozilla 
Those web sites. I'm all over Instagram,
And Twitter and Facebook~ Enjoy!!!
I am also known as Pete, Peter, Gio, and Locito.
And Pierre Le Strange.
Art photos selfish edits digital mixed media
Songs songwriting short stories poems, etc.
My life through my own lens.....
Maybe more to come soon....
Taking a little break it's summer time...
And I'm reading Farewell My Concubine.
Memoirs of a Geisha and Violin. 
Watching Wednesday on Netflix.
And Dragrace.
Waiting for Beattlejuice 2
And something with Angela Bassett 
Hopefully The Nun Two comes soon with Storm.
And I think the next Sister Act is coming soon as well.
Be well my friends.
I don't want to alarm you I'm not Muslim or a Jew. Nothing wrong if I was....
And Im not of African or Latin decent.
I'm 100% Greek American.
I'm shaking and trembling so I really can't paint and photograph or draw anymore...
It's a side effect from my medicine.
Bit if I can bare thru it you'll  see more work.
It's even hard to type sometimes and write.
Everything I to remove the stigma from LGBTQI+ society and men and mental health.
To reevaluate how that man in the mirror is perceived. I think I do a good job at it. Till we meet again.........
 - May your dreams come true.

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