Pete Gio Kay

Pete Gio Kay
Peter Geo's gay
Must fess up 
Fess up 
I'm fed up 
Fed up
You can't sing a song
You can't write a rhyme
You can't sing a long
You can't even waste my time
I must fess up
Fess up 
I'm fed up 
Fed up
You can't tell a story in this house
And that's when I interrupt,  erupt
And fuck with ya - 
You can't sing a sing 
You can't tap a toe
You can't sing a long
But I know a hoe for you
I must fess up.fess up
I'm fed up.fed up
Peter is gay
Pete gio is gay
That's what up 
What's up!?!
Must confess
I'm fed up

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