Old school way

How are you so obsessed with me?
Why do you go through everything?
Why can't you take it face value?
It doesn't have to mean anything!
Boy, you know there are other ones...
And yes I've played games with your mind,
And your heart...... You are not the only one;
Who can play~ I learned from..... you!
At least I don't have to hide or run...
I won't waste my time....
Did you like my suprise!?!
Didn't expect it? What's my reaction to your trifling games. I didn't invent it- its just old school way. You best take notes boy cuz I'm not coming your way.....
Could there be silence?????
May I have your attention, My dear!?!
There are a bees buzzing near your rear
Don't get stung cuz you won't sting mine
To be clear, you jack-ass bastard 
You won't gets no love from me
And that's my reputation; that, you fear.

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