Good spirits

He committed suicide, and in one joyous celebration he knew he was free from his burdens. He lingered his dead body around to hear what others would say. And although, they were sad, mad and angry with him; they still loved him. One person even called his act cowardly.
Then one of his nieces was feeling sick so he followed her to her house. She was depressed and had suicidal thoughts. She couldn't see him. He could not obstruct anything in her path. So he practiced his "serious ghost voice", to warn her not to do it. It didn't work.
The girl cut her knee and the bottom of her foot. He screamed in his own voice, "Stop!"
The girl.was startled. She heard him. He continued yelling and shouting. "Don't do it!"
He said, "You have much to live for!" "Why did you do it then?" She argued back swiftly.
"I was scared. Afraid and depressed." He replied. "If it's okay for you- It's okay for me!"
She shouted. He then put his hand on her back, and told her he was a coward for doing it. At first you are relieved  but then it gets creepy. That your mind keeps going and thinking thoughts. You feel feelings and emotions but your body is lifeless. 
She quickly decided to listen to her uncle and take his advice. They had regular conversations for about thirty to forty days.
And then the conversations stopped. But she does think of him often.

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