As it was

It is no secret that I am gay but I want to share with you my thoughts.
The Gay movement is a conservative one nowadays. Most men and women are looking to adopt kids and be gun owners and raise families and insurance and benefits and marital benefits to have on their side. Gone are the days of extremes.
Glitter & fabulousness. I feel like a dinosaur. I am a liberal but a classic one. Which is more like a moderate conservative. But I do miss the days of yesterday where it was more thrilling and adventurous to be gay. Now, it's very hallmark channel. And the only thing out there that challenges the norm is dragrace but that too is becoming mainstream. There is no uniqueness anymore. And since Tina Turner died rock is dead.
But I have hope that something will come our way to be less assimilated to the status quo.
Keep your fingers crossed. I'm not complaining or belly aching but something has got to give.

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