Unapologetic Bitch

From a very early age, I knew I wouldn't be a great actor. Because I don't know how to manipulate my feelings, or others. It seems these traits are running rampant now, and
quite frankly I'm tired of it. I've become weary of my tattered heart being supportive and honest. And then trampled on. And quite frankly, I don't know how to sell my heart.
That's why I could never be a model. Or a singer or a professional dancer because
What you care for, or what you feel- I can't sell. And most importantly of all....
If you do something or say something it's analyzed by the peanut gallery. If you joined in and laughed or not. Or refused to take part in it- you do what we always do. Remove any responsibilities from ourselves. And carry on.
I'm sure I've been guilty of this, too. To live for love is is not to dwell on the minutiae. To live for love is to love what you have always  loved. And hopefully you we get love in return from those sacred beings or things. But to be obnoxious and an unapologetic bitch is to say something personal real or false and make no step towards reconciliation or resolution and expect some one else to remedy the issue.
I guess lately we are all unapologetic bitches.
And crazy for sure. May someone help us.
Lord only knows if He will ever forgive us.
An unapologetic bitch is relentless in refusing and not apologizing. I guess we all are like this in way shape or form but for how long.
Only God can redeem us from these shrews we've become. And part of that is facing you are wrong. Apologizing for blunders. And facing reality. Everything in society faces this coming of age. But as times persists, The more difficult it will become.

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