Its all the same bullshit

You are not my master!
I am in control of my own fate.
Who is the master?
Who is the slave?
You can't even muster the sincerity to say a hello or how are you......
When all you've done is ignore me...
And my strengths and kindness
I could cure blindness or Aids
Or cancer or syphilis quick
And all you'd say is that I make you sick
Because you can't handle it 
I'm okay yes I'm gay and happy
And in your face about it.
I do what I do which more than you
So think before you speak about me.
And I'm okay
I wrestled the bull
The bull has been slayed
But not your bullshit
That's like saying politicians are good 
So invest your all in them mmmm
Hmm so just watch your step
There all corrupt and deceptive 
And don't care if you only have cent
They have no God
Or know God
Or worship Him
Its all the same bullshit
And I'm glad I washed my hands if it.

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