food for thought

I suppose a meme or wacky wonky humor
Is more acceptable than being real and wishing your loved one support. One speaking about the things that pain them. Can be too much to swallow. And when there is bitterness between a couple; it doesn't mean they hate each other, it just means they still love each other ,and try to find a way to make it work. No warm wishes. No shout outs. No nothing anymore. I may post silly pictures.
Drag photos old photos digitally filtered and manipulated photos. But I also share my art work. My songs. My poems. My photography.
And some of those sillier photos is what I call
Selfie- Art. Now with that said I don't take anything too seriously.  I'm calm and reasonable, but I never say who one should talk about with or otherwise. I don't share too many secrets, because I don't have any. I suffer mental health issues. I identify with people who endure my struggle. And it's like a kinship or bond that can't be broken. My heart goes out to families that endure the struggle as well by being supportive. I will always love each and every family member equally on both sides of the family. But comments opinions and gossip is not needed. I'm trustworthy and have a clear conscious.
I'm not the internet police but we have lost our way in this world. We can't be ironic, or thoughtful, or caring or mischievous or daring or anything anymore. And what kills me is hypocrisy. Anyway good day to you all.

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