
You are beautiful!
You are magical!
You are super special!
You are beautiful, baby!
I'm telling you please come caress me.
You have a knack of telling fortunes.
And I lack the way of being corrupt.
I know of bad apples and fleeting feelings.
I know can't get back to where we've been.
Nothings the same as it was before.
I can't complain.
I open new doors.
You are beautiful!
Magical.... special magic baby....
I'm telling you lady
There's no reason  we can't fool around
I might be gay but you are profoundly hot
Maybe I'm bi and I just can't stop
Is it the handsome bloke that I follow?
Or do I fill that hollow spot?
Not sure but one day I'll holler 
When I need a dollar
And I'll spit it right quick
All these of other cunts make me sick
For all you know I'm playing with your mind
And for all you know I'm thinking with my behind. But I'm thinking with my flavorful stick. Magically delicious....
Maybe we wouldn't need permission to take  risk to bloom much like a flower.
I got that duck for you!
Feel all of my power!

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